Taurus Navigation Rally

Page updated 12:42 Tuesday 4th March 2025

The Supplementary Regulations are NOW LIVE FOR READING. Click on the box below to open the file. 


Rally App Information for all competitors

Tuesday 4th March 2025, Message from the Clerk of the Course, Ken Quinn;

" As you all will know, the entries are now live for the De Lacy Taurus Rally on the 5th/6th April (See link above Editor). For this year the event  will be using the Rally App system as well as using traditional marshalling , so we will be running what we are referring to as a Hybrid of the system. Allow me to explain; 

Marshals will still be signing timecards in the old fashioned way at controls, this way competitors will still have that human interaction with a real person. Please Note that WE ARE NOT using Timing App Live (Another item from the developer.) to record times. What we are doing, is utilising Rally App Live to record codeboards, unmanned passage controls, standing give ways and black spots,  and these are the items that will incur a penalty in the same way they would have always  done if incurred by competitors.

So in that respect, it is no different, the only difference is, technology is being used to cut down on the number of mistakes, therefore lessening the chance of getting things wrong from both the competitor and organisers point of view.

Now I know that some people are wary of using this system, and having looked on the developers site, I totally get it, because the developer has shown ALL of the features that are available. We are not using them all, but have selected the ones that are appropriate to our event. I have also had people say to me, “Well if anything goes wrong I could get into trouble with the law as I am being tracked.” Just remember this. Your mobile phone is a tracking device anyway, and if the law really wanted to, they could delve so deep into your phone, you would be mortified what they could find out.

Here at De Lacy, we have used the app extensively on 12 cars, and also on the Catterick Targa last year, with a majority of competitors saying how easy it is to use once you get used to it. Therefore, we on the Taurus Organising Team, feel confident enough to use it on a full blown road event, and we have tested it thoroughly over the last 9 months or so, and on the night, I will be available to help you guys set it up, and answer any questions that I can possibly do, in order for you to use it.

Now as I type this, we have 74 unmanned pc’s and 19 physical codeboards, and some will say, “Well can you not just go out beforehand and put 93 codeboards out?” Logistically it is impossible for us as a club to do, hence why we have gone down this route. This makes it more logistically manageable for us.

So it will work as follows;

Unmanned P.C:  As  you approach the location of the control,  you will notice that the screen  will be at the default blue.  as you get closer, you will then get 2 warnings. One is a yellow visual warning at about 300 metres. Then you will get an audible warning at 200 metres, then once you are in the zone, a pink inverted triangle will appear, and you MUST bring your car to a complete standstill, and on the right is a red square. The red square is a timer set at 5 seconds. DO NOT try and jump it or you WILL incur a penalty. Once it turns back to blue, you may leave. Other than the default blue screen turning yellow, there will be no visible control board at the roadside!

SGW’s: Similar to above, but instead of a pink inverted triangle, it will have a red hexagon. The default time for a SGW, is 2 seconds. Again, you MUST bring your car to a complete halt. The approach distances on SGW’s, are shorter because you should have the SGW’s on your map anyhow.

Codeboards: All of our codeboards are on NAM’s. Again like above, you will get an audible warning, and when you arrive at the codeboard, the screen will have a grey icon. Tap the icon in the middle of the screen to reveal 6 codeboard options. Select the correct one, and then confirm. Once done, you may move off

Black spots: If you enter a black spot, and to be honest there aren’t that many, the GPS will know and will record your location. It is an instant disqualification for entering a black spot, in the same way it has always been. There will be no way back from this, so TAKE CARE

So those are the main four that we are using. Others will be;

  • Caution: (Red screen and audible warning with the hazard.) 
  • Quiet Zones: (Green screen with audible warning which will extinguish once you leave the area.) These are none penalty items but put in to help you.

It is important to say this, the app works on GPS, and only needs a miniscule amount of data to start it, and submit your information at the end. There are 2 submission points. MTC2 and MTC4. I should be on hand at both to assist you. 

When using your phone (or other electronic device), phones, during the event, it is be a good idea to close all other apps down to 

  1. A. Preserve battery life, 
  2. Help the app run smoother. 

As per the Supplementary Regulations, you would be very well advised to have some sort of charging system in place to keep the battery topped up. If you run out of battery, then penalties will be incurred for all items not recorded. I sincerely don’t want that to happen. I want you guys to have a good night of motorsport. I'm sure that in some cases, you will be trying something new which a lot of people seem scared of. If I can use it at 60, along with one of my Deputy’s who is 72, then I am sure you all can! (Me Too, Ed)

We have set up four test items at the start of the rally, and in order they are:

  1. Quiet Zone
  2. Code Board (In a layby just after the start which will require the physical input. One of my team will be on hand at this location.)
  3. Caution
  4. Unmanned PC.

These are none penalty and will be used to help you guys familiarise yourselves with the system. (Remember that on the App official website, Sapphire Solutions there are some useful videos and test routes in you local areas to look at. Ed)

Hope you have a great night.

Ken Quinn CoC

De Lacy Taurus Navigation Rally 2025."

At the time of writing, the 2025 version of the Taurus Navigation Rally is ready to go, the route has ben driven numerous times, all locations are fixed and public relations work will commence shortly. The Event Supplementary Regulations are written and the event permits have been authorised and issued. So it's now full on to get the event started now, the countdown has very definitely begun in earnest.
The Organising Team are now at the stage of asking for help on the night, so if you think that you can help  with the route set up on the Saturday morning or assisting  with documentation,  then  they will be holding a preliminary meeting for interested parties at the Old Rallyhouse (DLMC Clubhouse) on Friday evening 7th February 2025. You are asked to attend between 19:45 and 20:00 for a prompt start at 20:00. So, if you can help with logistics on the event or simply want to marshal then come along.
Speaking to the webmaster a while ago Ken told him
"I am really excited to have taken over at the helm of this still newish rally, I have assembled a team of very experienced organisers and have built on the success of last year to present what we believe will be a great navigational rally. I am hoping to have the regs out very soon and look forward to receiving the entries"

9th December 2024, preparations and planning for the 2025 event are well underway as we go into the Christmas period. Ken Quinn and his close organising team of Simon Boddy and Arthur Heaton are busy finalising the route on OS maps 105/106 &100. It will consist of roads less used for a number of years with a total route of approximately 150 miles. This edition of the rally will see the start and finish move from Askham Bryan to Selby . Supplementary regulations have been drafted and sent to Motorsport UK for approval along with the permit applications for both the Interclub and Clubmans Rallies.
Speaking to the website ahead of the submissions, Ken, The Clerk of the Course had this to say;
" I am pleased to be taking over this rally for De Lacy Motor Club and glad that the team and I have been entrusted to put this together. To ensure that we gain the maximum benefit of the hours of darkness together with the cooperation of other motor clubs we have moved our rally forward for 2025 to the weekend of the 5th and 6th of April 2025. I am excited by the prospect of building on last year to maker this one even better. I look forward to making more announcements soon and hope that you can come along and join us"